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Best of the Year 2018 Shortlist


The time has come to release the shortlist of candidates for PING Helsinki Best of the Year 2018! Each year, we want to reward some of the most influential people, campaigns and phenomena in the field of influencer marketing! The winners of the 5 categories below will be selected at PING Festival at Clarion Hotel Helsinki on 8th of May 2018.



How digitalisation is changing the way we communicate, work and do business.

  • A-lehdet: Pientä säätöä. Finland’s first WhatsApp drama to reach Generation Z.
  • Satu Rämö & Hanne Valtari: Unelmaduunarit. Podcast series about the changing work culture and reaching career dreams.
  • Rovio: MumJam 2017. MumJam 2017 event was created to help more women to find their way into the gaming industry.

The most jaw-dropping stories achieved by next level storytelling combined with a great strategy.

  • Lidl Suomi & Hermanni (Hermanni Hyyryläinen): Mummo ja hummus. Warmhearted Youtube collaboration with an influencer and his grandmother making a culinary journey to the supermarket.
  • Museokortti & Wibettäjä (Vilppu Haverinen): Museotour. Collaboration with a young Youtube star to promote museums to a younger audience.
  • Valeäiti (Hanne Kettunen): Valeäidin nauhoitukset. Podcast series about the reality of family life with inspiring guests, touching stories and humour.

The Business Value comes with the right kind of quality.

  • Neste: Kinkkutemppu. Ham trick campaign with several influencers to get consumers recycle household ham waste fat into renewable fuel.
  • BookBeat. Successful campaign with several influencers to market the ‘Netflix for audiobooks‘.
  • Tallink Silja Oy: #vegepaatti. A service design project in cooperation with influencers and ships’ chefs to meet customers wishes with vegan-friendly menu at the buffet and á la carte restaurants.

How to really connect emotionally and psychologically with audiences to make an impact.

  • Axe & Justimusfilms: Ystävyyden patoumat. A touching Youtube collaboration about friendship.
  • Maaret Kallio: Lujasti lempeä.  Viral phenomenon on how to talk about feelings and relationships – and understand them.
  • Suomen World Vision: Pelasta pimppi – seis silpomiselle. Bold social media campaign to stop female genital mutilation.

Authenticity, transparency and ethics are the base of the trust economy.

  • Äidin puheenvuoro (Inari Fernandez): Tubeäiti. Youtube mom’s Q&A sessions conducted by the interests of the followers.
  • Elina Koivumäki. Lawyer’s blog & podcast about legal issues regarding social media in a practical and understandable way.
  • Ronja Salmi: Mitä mietit, Ronja Salmi? Tv-series and social media concept for young adults discussing the big issues of life.


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